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Upcoming Holiday Calendar

March 2024
March is a FULL month of things to celebrate and appreciate.  We get the mid-month festivities of St. Patrick's Day, and soon after Spring officially arrives.  It's also National Craft Month, National Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, and Social Workers Month.  The first week is Celebrate Your Name Week (how fun is that?), followed by Crochet Week the 2nd week of Marth.  Let's peek at a few other interesting things coming up in March:

March 1 - Employee Appreciation Day, National Salesperson Day, and World Compliment Day
March 3 - Caregiver Appreciation Day
March 4 - Hug a GI Day
March 6 - Dentist's Day
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 10 - International Day of Awesomeness and Daylight Savings time begins at 2am
March 11 - Ramadan begins at Sundown
March 12 - Plant a Flower Day
March 14 - National Pi Day
March 15 - Ides of March
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 19 - Earth Day and Spring Equinox
March 20 - International Day of Happiness and International Earth Day
March 24 - National Chocolate Day and National Egg Nog Day
March 23 - National Puppy Day
March 24 - Palm Sunday and Purim Begins at Sundown
March 29 - Good Friday and National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day
March 30 - National Doctor's Day
March 31 - Easter Sunday

April 2024
The month starts with a bit of foolishness on April Fools Day, but the spring flowers aren't fooling around! It's a month full of interesting things to celebrate, including Keep America Beautiful Month, Lawn and Garden Month, Stress Awareness Month, National Frog Month, National Humor Month (can we make that all year?), and Global Astronomy Month. Some events might not be a month long celebration, but the first week is Read a Road Map Week and Library Week. The second week is Garden Week, and the last week is Administrative Professionals Week. Since there's always room for more fun, here's what to celebrate throughout the month:

April 1 - April Fools Day and International Fun at Work Day
April 3 - National Walking Day andWorld Party Day
April 4 - School Librarian Day
April 5 -  National Walk to Work Day and Read a Road Map Day
April 7 -  National Beer Day and World Health Day
April 9 -  National Library Workers Day
April 10 - National Siblings Day
April 11 - National Pet Day
April 13 - International Plant Appreciation Day (We celebrate this every day here!)
April 15 - World Art Day
April 16 - National Librarian Day and National Stress Awareness Day
April 19 - Earth Day and Spring Equinox
April 20 - Volunteer Recognition Day and Husband Appreciation Day
April 22 - Earth Day and Passover begins
April 23 - National Picnic Day
April 24 - Administrative Professionals Day (Executive Admin’s Day, Secretary’s Day)
April 25 - World Penguin Day
April 26 - Arbor Day
April 28 - International Astronomy Day and Kiss Your Mate Day

May 2024
MOM! That and spring are the two things that always come to mind in May. We start off the month at full speed with the Kentucky Derby, celebrate Mom not long after that, and end the month by honoring our military personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice to assure our freedom and way of life. Month-long celebrations include Date Your Mate Month, National Barbeque Month, National Salad Month, National Hamburger Month (balance out the salad), and National Bike Month. Also keep in mind the first week to be thankful for Nurse's, and the second week is Wildflower Week. Looking for more reasons to make every day better? Keep reading...

May 1 - May Day
May 2 - Brothers and Sisters Day
May 3 - Garden Meditation Day and Space Day
May 4 - Kentucky Derby Day and Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you.)
May 5 -  Cinco de Mayo
May 6 -  National Nurses Day
May 7 - National Teachers Day and National Tourism Day
May 10 -  Military Spouses Day
May 11 - Haning Flower Baskets Day, National Babysitters Day and Eat What You Want Day
May 12 - Mother's Day and International Nurses Day
May 16 - National Endangered Species Day and National Bike to Work Day
May 18 - Armed Forces Day and International Museum Day
May 21 - National Waiters and Waitresses Day
May 22 - Buy a Musical Instrument Day
May 25 - National Wine Day
May 26 - Sally Ride Day
May 27 - Memorial Day and Sunscreen Day
May 28 - National Hamburger Day
May 30 - Water a Flower Day
May 31 - Inernational Space Day and World No Tobacco Day